What if I still want to set up hotel room blocks?
Reserving hotel room blocks is the best way to ensure your team has a place to stay near your event. Plus, hotels often give you a discount on the room rate, which you can then pass along to your guests. TeamHop has a way to make the room block process, we provide a custom link provided by our parters at Hotel Planner.
Can I see who has made reservations?
Absolutely, your exclusive online login and password will provide access to all of your bookings and information.
How do we receive our rebates?
At the beginning of the each month, you get a report showing all of the reservations that have been made using your event/team website for the previous month. You also will receive a bookings report that shows which reservations we have collected commissions for.
How much does TeamHop cost to use?
Here is the best part, TeamHop.us is 100% free to use. We do ask our team partners to sign an exclusivity agreement for the travel portion of your event. However, you may cancel agreement with a 30 day notice.